Monday, July 2, 2007

back again

those three people who knew me in the old blog, sorry had to delete that. anyway, here i am, in the same url. i didn't care to save the posts from the earlier blog because there wasn't anything earth-shattering in those. so there. anyway, ciao soon.


Sathej said...

1/3 of your visitors is back.Why-the sudden disappearance and e-appeaance like a comet?

Sathej said...

re-appearance,I mean.

daneel olivaw said...

ah. just had to shift the blog from the old email id. and blogger idiot doesn't allow multiple screen names with the same id. so there. anyway, you are first here as well! now your rule in olivawan era is really approved.

Sathej said...

Thank you, thank you :)